Monthly Archives: October 2013

Fitness Test Results Mixed For Sacramento County Students; Opponents Decry ‘fat Letters’


We see barriers to healthy eating in communities, as well as areas without parks and with pockets of increased violence, Spilker said. We support a whole host of policy changes, from land zoning options to a soda tax increase. Among large districts in the region, Sacramento City Unified, Galt Joint Union Elementary and Woodland Joint Unified had the highest proportion of students with unhealthy body compositions. In each of these districts, more than one-third of students were labeled at high risk for health problems. The connections between poverty and health are well documented by experts, certainly for urban districts, said Sacramento Unifieds spokesman, Gabe Ross.
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California schools’ fitness tests: About one-third of students met the goals

Scores for fifth-graders inched upward slightly from 25.4 percent reaching the goal in 2012 to 25.5 percent in 2013. Seventh-grade scores also rose, from 31.9 percent in 2012 to 32.4 percent, while ninth-grade scores stayed the same at 36.5 percent meeting goals in all categories. The state labels students who score poorly in aerobic capacity and body composition as “Needs improvement — high risk.” About 34 percent of fifth-graders, 30 percent of seventh-graders and 26 percent of ninth-graders fell into this category in body composition, indicating their fitness levels are not sufficient for good health. Fitness results varied in Insanity Workout Review Alameda, Contra Costa, Santa Clara and San Mateo counties. Fifth-graders scored above statewide averages for meeting goals in all six areas in the East Bay, while seventh-graders in Alameda County met the state average and those in Contra Costa County scored just below it. Ninth-graders in Alameda County scored just slightly below the state average, while freshmen in Contra Costa County were slightly above it.
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Obituary: Fitness entrepreneur Joseph Baratta, 81, owned Jack LaLanne’s health clubs in Sacramento

His market insight was, Well, strength training doesnt have to be for guys only, said his son Joe. He saw that women were a market that wasnt being served. Mr. Baratta settled in Sacramento in 1970 as a prominent figure in the health and fitness industry. He expanded to six gyms in California, including three Jack LaLannes European Health Spa franchises in Sacramento that served women and men on alternate days for many years before going co-ed. Besides appearing on a local TV fitness show, he flew his own single-engine plane to check on his clubs in Bakersfield, Fresno and Thousand Oaks.
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How To Reduce Belly Fat: A Complete Plan To Shrink Your Waist

The Metabolic Effect Diet: Eat More, Work Out Less, and Actually Lose Weight While You Rest

Weight training done the right way is better at burning fat , balancing hormones and is great for your heart. Breakfast — eggs and 10 bites or less of starch Snack — tuna and veggies Lunch — salad with chicken on top Snack — apple and a handful of almonds Dinner — steak, double veggies and 10 bites or less of starch Circuit Weight Training (20 minutes, 4 exercises — squat/press, push-up/rows, back row, lunge/curl) — Do 12 of each exercise and immediately go to the next one. Don’t take structured rests, instead push until you can’t and rest until you can (what we call rest-based training ). See how many rounds you can do in 20 minutes.
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Fat Loss Factor Program for Shedding Unwanted Pounds

You must focus on losing fat in your body for achieving a fitter body. Get an Indoor Grill: Grilling food is a great way of dripping away the fat present in the food. This leads to healthier eating of every piece of meat. Get a Fat-separating pitcher: You are going to need this when you prepare soups or stocks. A lot of fat can be separated from the stock which still remains equally flavoured.
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3 Simple Home Remedies for Fat Loss: Save Yourself from Online Fraud

All these information is properly fat loss factor documented in fat loss factor review. Click here to download fat loss factor Ebook The system has been designed by a person known as garcinia cambogia Michael Allen. He came up with this system after years and years of trying to shed off some of his excess weight after trying different techniques and diets. After discovering the fat burning method, he went ahead to help several people that were in need of achieving the same goal. Fat loss factor offers the people that want to follow it a plan that is easy to follow which is suitable for the people with real lives.
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Cardiologist Says Diabetes Can Easily Be Reversed On Gluten-free Diet

Training a therapy pet

More than sugary foods, grains raise blood sugar to high levels. The glycemic indexes, for instance, of whole wheat bread, oatmeal, and multi-grain breads are among the highest of all foods. They ENSURE having high blood sugars.” Davis pointed out that two slices of whole wheat bread raises blood sugar higher than six teaspoons of sugar. To ensure healthy blood sugar and optimal health, he suggests consuming a low-carb, high-fat diet that incorporates plenty of high-quality animal fats, olive oil, coconut oil, vitamin D, magnesium and omega-3 fatty acids.
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Raw honey, diabetes and brain problems

The movement will inspire and mobilize millions to take up the fight against this deadly disease. The Association has been funding innovative research to combat diabetes since 1955. In 2010, we funded more than $34 million in research at 125 leading research institutions throughout the country. We lead the fight against the deadly consequences of diabetes and fight for those affected by diabetes. We fund research to prevent, cure and manage diabetes. We deliver services to hundreds of communities. We provide objective and credible information. We give a voice to those denied their rights because of diabetes.
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Diabetes: The Silent Killer That Can Change Your Life


How does honey help ward off depression and Alzheimers disease? Honey lowers blood sugar levels and reduces metabolic stress. According to Dr. Ronald Fessenden, MD, Co-Chairman Committee for the Promotion of Honey and Health, USA, raw honey actually has a very significant stabilising effect on blood sugar. Raw honey also facilitates optimal brain functions by strengthening the heart and improving blood circulation through the coronary arteries and the veins, which ensure adequate supply of blood, glucose, oxygen and other critical nutrients to the body cells. According to Dr. Bodog F.
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National Restaurant Association Releases Industry Nutrition Report

Nutrition Q&A: Diet can get pounds off; attitude keeps them off

In addition, the NRA led a large industry coalition to establish uniform nutrition information for consumers nationwide. The federal menu labeling standard will require restaurant chains with 20 or more locations operating under the same brand to provide detailed nutrition information to consumers on menus and menu boards. NRA also continues to be a leading resource for the industry on food safety training, with its ServSafe program launching a new ServSafe Allergens course to help restaurants serve the 15 million Americans with food allergies. According to the NRA’s 2013 Restaurant Industry Forecast , 86 percent of adults say there are more healthy options at restaurants than there were two years ago and 71 percent of adults say they are trying to eat healthier now at restaurants than they did two years ago.
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Practice portion control: Continue to enjoy most foods you love, but in smaller amounts and less frequently, Mitchell suggests. Put a relapse prevention plan in place: Weigh yourself regularly. Find a frequency that works for you, and dont let the lost pounds creep back up. Seek and secure support: Losing weight and, even more so, keeping it off is hard work. Build a support system around you.
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Exercise Could Help Stroke, Heart Disease Patients Just As Well As Drugs

Exercise Connection: Fitness program for autistic and disabled people

(Who can forget the famous Legally Blonde quote: “Exercise gives you endorphins. Endorphins make you happy. Happy people just don’t shoot their husbands, they just don’t.” Just us?) Recent research has further confirmed the link between working out and happiness — last month, Penn State researchers published findings suggesting that people who are more physically active reported greater general feelings of excitements and enthusiasm, The Huffington Post reported when the study was published. “Our results suggest that not only are there chronic benefits of physical activity, but there are discrete benefits as well,” study researcher Amanda Hyde, a kinesiology graduate student at Penn State, said in a statement.
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But also it is about being a part of the YMCA and us partnering together in the facility because they can adapt lights, sensory needs to meet the needs of children and adults,” said Geslak. He says Exercise Connection focuses on five components of physical fitness. “We’re doing things about improving body image, posture, muscular fitness motor coordination and cardiovascular fitness and ultimately trying to educate the kids or the adults so they can make it a part of their daily lifestyle,” he said. Rachel Spidalette, 17, is benefitting.
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Hormone Replacement Therapy May Reduce Pancreatic Cancer Risk


However, in contrast to the results with estrogen-only HRT, the study also found another type of estrogen-containing medication birth control pills were linked with an increased risk of pancreatic cancer when used over the long term. [ 7 Surprising Facts about The Pill ] Women who took oral contraception for 10 years or more had a 72 percent greater risk of developing pancreatic cancer than those who had never used oral contraception. The study found associations, and cannot prove that estrogen whether in hormone replacement therapy or birth control pills actually causes an increase or decrease in pancreatic cancer risk . Factors not taken into account by the researchers may be responsible for the links.
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Manning wants hormone therapy in prison. Will it happen?

Louise Schierbeck, who works in the department of endocrinology at Hvidovre Hospital in Denmark. The women took estrogen for about ten years until 2002, when another study, the Women’s Health Initiative (WHI), found significant evidence that women taking progestin and estrogen were more likely to develop aggressive breast cancer. Although WHI researchers studied 160,000 women ages 50 to 79, many of whom had chronic diseases already, Danish researchers studied 1,000 women ages 45 to 58, and excluded people who previously had had cancer or other major illnesses, according to the study text , which was published in the BMJ, formerly the British Medical Journal. Schierbeck’s colleagues used Danish hospital data to figure out how many patients died or had other health problems in 2002 and six years later. Both times, they discovered that fewer hormone therapy patients died or had heart disease than the hormone-free patients.
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Can hormone therapy help protect the brain?

In May 2011, the Bureau of Prisons sent a memo to its wardens outlining a new policy that all inmates seeking hormone replacement therapy “Receive a current individualized assessment and evaluation. Treatment options will not be precluded solely due to level of services received, or lack of services, prior to incarceration.” Manning’s prison sentence doesn’t fall under this policy. Military prisons are part of the Defense Department, not the Bureau of Prisons. Outside of the prison system, private insurance plans have increasingly begun to cover these types of services. The number of companies getting a perfect score on the Human Rights’ Campaign’s ranking of transgender-inclusive benefits grew from 85 in 2011 to 207 in 2012.
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Hormone Therapy Safe in Early Menopause

November 7, 2012 at 07:53 | Report abuse | Reply Cemile I @RobertVockers, I have treated huderdns of patients for menopause symptoms with great results. What I give them works! Thousands of studies show the mechanisms and demonstrating the effects of herbs on hormone levels. You haven’t seen them, therefore it is non- evidence based to you. There are no contraindications when an herbal formula is prescribed correctly. ZERO! You call me an idiot, while I am the one actually getting results and seeing them firsthand.
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